energy healing

reiki for children
Distance Reiki, Healing, Reiki, Reiki for children

Reiki for Children

Reiki for children is what first inspired me to start my reiki business.  Before I had my daughter, I was attuned to reiki. I used self-reiki regularly throughout my pregnancy, but then lost my practice when thrown into the hazy world of motherhood.  It wasn’t until a few years later, when we found ourselves on […]

what is distance reiki
Distance Reiki, Healing, Reiki

How to get the most from a Distance Reiki session

You’ve heard good things about reiki, perhaps you’ve tried it in-person, but distance reiki feels a bit of a stretch. Here I’m talking about distance reiki and how you can get the most from a distance session.  What is distance reiki?  Reiki is a modality of energy healing (see here: The Reiki Lowdown: What TF

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